January 22, 2012

Mommy and baby activities together.

Sekarang ni adik Aisyah dah nak masuk 6 bulan. Jadi skrg ni mama mula duk mencari2 idea aktiviti yg dpt mama buat dgn adik kat rumah ni. Masa duk cari2 kat internet tadi, mama terjumpa beberapa idea ni. Aktiviti yg simple dan menarik utk anak kecil. 
Jom mama kongsikan dgn semua apa yg mama jumpa ni.

  • Nature Walks – take your baby out in their pram or in baby carrier each day. Talk to them about what you see.
  • Chatting – As you peel potatoes, as you do your housework or go about your day, chat to your little one all the time. A moms voice is soothing and all the time you are chatting you are developing neural pathways in your baby’s brain.
  • Balls – Once your baby is sitting you can buy a variety of different sized balls (none small enough to fit into their mouth!) and roll balls back and forth to one another.
  • Board books – Board books are fantastic as they do not tear and can stand a fair amount of “mouthing” by babies. Choose ones with clear open pictures.
  • Peek-a-boo games – Using hands, a handkerchief or a blanket, play peek-a-boo with your baby.
  • Turning lights on and off – This activity, which may seem very simple, was of great fascination to all my babies and was a lifesaver when I needed to distract a tired or hungry baby for a few minutes. The sentences: “Light on” and “light off” also became one of our babies first ones.
  • Mirror games – Safety mirrors are wonderful to have in your baby’s toy box but you can also use proper mirrors when you are able to supervise the play. Go through your baby’s facial features with them while you hold a mirror for them to look into.
  • Hiding toys – Babies love to get little surprises. Take their favourite toy and hide it under a handkerchief. Ask them the question: “Where is [Pooh Bear]?” And then uncover the toy with a flourish. Repeat often and soon they will be copying you!
  • Peep tube – Use and old Pringles chip or similar container and peep through the tube at your baby. You can ask them the question: “Where is [Sarah]?” a few times over until you make eye contact.
  • Round and round the garden like a teddy bear – Action songs and rhymes are great fun. This is one of our favourites. After doing this a few times over your baby should ask you for it with their index finger on their own hand.
  • Cycling legs – When changing your baby’s nappy or any other time you have a moment when they are lying on their backs, gently take their feet and make cycling motions with their legs. Do not force them if they resist.
  • Bouncing ball – We had a large physio ball (some use them for Pilates) that we used to roll and bounce our babies on. For rolling place them tummy down and hold their feet firmly. Roll them forward making sure their arms are extended in front of them. This develops their parachute reflex which they will need when they begin to walk.
  • Crawling obstacle course – stack up piles of pillows or make a box tunnel for them to crawl through and over.
  • Row row row your boat – with your sitting babe place them directly in front of you. Hold their hands and gently ease them forward and back singing this favourite childhood song.
  • Teaching body part names – Teach your baby their body part names. Get them to first identify them with repetition. Then ask them where they limb is, follow this with asking them to find your [nose-hand-foot] etc.
  • Naming objects – As you walk around your house teach your baby the names of objects.
  • Family photo book – Take clear photos of all in your family that your baby has regular contact with. Stick them onto stiff card and bind together. Flip through this book with your baby to teach them family members names.

Puteri2 comel kesayangan papa & mama :)

January 18, 2012

Letter Hh Activity Theme.

Hari ni baru mama sempat nak bercerita tentang aktiviti homeschool kami sepanjang minggu lepas. Almaklumlah, skrg ni sibuk dgn pelbagai kerja. Tapi walau macamana sibuk sekalipun mama, tiap2 hari mama cuba jugak luang masa utk anak2. Tak perlu ambik masa yg lama utk sekali aktiviti bersama anak2 ni. Kadang2 tu mama cuma spend 5-10 minit je...x kisahlah ajar anak menulis ke...melukis ke..mewarna ke...ataupun ambik buku cerita dan sama2 read aloud dgn anak2. Asalkan kita ada masa dgn anak2. 

OK. Berbalik pada cerita homeschool kami. Minggu lepas mama & kakak sama2 beraktiviti bertemakan Huruf Hh. Ada beberapa aktiviti yg kami buat utk kenalkan kakak dgn huruf Hh ni (walaupun mmg dah kenal sblm ni...)
  • Cut & Paste Activity

Mula2 tu potong huruf Hh tu. Templete Hh tu mama download kat sini.

Kemudian kakak tampalkan huruf Hh pada construction paper utk aktiviti seterusnya.

  • Potato Stamp Art.

Hh is for Heart. 
Utk buat art ni mudah je. Mama cuma ambik potato. Potong dua dan buatkan bentuk heart pada potato tu. Kemudian celupkan potato stamp tu dlm tempera paste dan tekapkan pada kertas. Mudah kan?? Anak2 pun seronok :) Dan hasil potato stamp art kakak ni akan mama simpan dlm  " Mama HS's : Book of ABC's "

  • Aktiviti Kraf : Hand Print Sun.

Bahan2 yg digunakan:
Paper plate
Kertas warna kuning
Tempera paste kuning

Mula2 lukiskan bentuk tangan. Kakak kena buat sendiri. Kalau masa angah ada dulu biasanya dia yg tolong lukiskan tangan kakak. Rindunyaaa kat angah time buat homeschool ni.

Kemudian gunting bentuk tangan tadi.

Warnakan paper plate dgn warna kuning dan keringkan.

Bila dah kering, bolehlah tampalkan hand print tadi.

Taraaa... inilah hasilnya kraf kakak...Hand Print Sun.
  • Pouring Activity.

Aktiviti yg selalu kakak buat...dia cukup2 suka dgn aktiviti ni. Sbnrnya ia bagus utk fine motor skill anak2.

  •  Mengenal huruf dgn sticker.

Mama jumpa sticker ni kat pasar minggu lps. Kemudian terus terfikir utk ajar kakak mengenal huruf menggunakan sticker ni. Dgn sticker ni, mama kenalkan kakak dgn huruf2 tu dan minta dia susun huruf2 tersebut mengikut urutan dan lekatkan pada sekeping kertas. Simple activity tapi kakak cukup2 suka :)

Inilah aktiviti hujung minggu kami. Lepak2 kat library. Awal2 tahun ni kerja2 papa kat office xlah sibuk sgt. So, hujung minggu dptlah bawak anak2 ke sini. Seronokkk sgt lepak2 kat sini. Relaxxx.

January 7, 2012

Hari Pertama Persekolahan Sesi 2012.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t

Hari ni mama nak bercerita cerita yg dah basi..hehe.. kalau org lain tiga empat hari lepas dah sibuk duk bercerita pasal anak2 yg baru masuk sekolah. Tapi mama hari ni baru berkesempatan utk update blog dan nak cerita pasal anak2 kat sekolah di minggu pertama ni. Walaupun angah dah sekolah, tapi aktiviti homeschool kami akan tetap diteruskan dan tahun ni masih dgn 2 'pelajar' juga. Sorang yg lama dan sorang lagi ahli baru...hehe...

Tahun ni adalah tahun pertama angah menjejakkan kaki ke sekolah dan akan melalui alam persekolahan sprt org lain jugak. Dah lama sbnrnya dia duk mengira hari...x sabar utk pegi ke sekolah bersama2 along. Bagi mama pulak, perasaan tu bercampur baur. Gembira ada...sedih pun ada. Apa yg mama rasa ni mungkin sama mcm ibu2 yg lain bila anak mula2 nak masuk sekolah. Tambahan lagi bila ingatkan angah ni yg tak pernah ke tadika sebelum ni. Jadi risau jugak kot2 dia x dpt menyesuaikan diri pulak. Tapi bila tengok pada angah di hari pertama persekolahan tu, rasanya mama dah x perlu risau. Alhamdulillah, dia dpt menyesuaikan diri. Adegan nangis2 tu mmg x der lah. Cool je :)

2 hero mama yg segak ke sekolah :)

Angah ketika mendengar taklimat dari guru semasa hari pertama persekolahan. Boleh nampak x angah yg gantung botol air biru kat leher tu? Mama ingatkan angahlah yg paling kecik tapi rupanya ada lagi yg lebih kecik dari dia..hehe..

Skrg ni tinggal kakak saja utk aktiviti homeschool sblh pagi. Teringat pulak kat angah sbb biasanya kami bertiga. 

Inilah ahli baru utk homeschool kami ni. InsyaAllah, adik Aisyah juga akan join sekali dlm aktiviti homeschool dgn aktvt yg sesuai. Skrg  adik dah pun 5 bulan. Dah pandai memegang benda. (kalu boleh semua benda dia nak masukkan dlm mulut dia tu...hehe)


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